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Home Remodeling Estimates

How Much Does it Cost to Install a Ceramic Tile Floor? Free Home Renovation costs, get correct home remodeling costs


Average Cost to Install a Ceramic Tile Floor

as of October, 2018


120 ft² standard quality tile




How Much Does it Cost to Install a Ceramic Tile Floor?
Planning to install a ceramic tile floor? You can expect to pay in the range of $1,100 to $1,825 for 120 square feet (the size of a smallish Home Remodeling Estimates? kitchen or a large master bathroom). That includes standard quality tiles, supplies, and labor.

The cost to install your tile floor will depend on:

  1. Size of area to be tiled
  2. Size and shape of tiles
  3. Quality and design of the tiles
  4. Tile layout (straight, offset, or diagonal)
  5. Design details like borders or inserts
  6. Condition of subfloor
  7. Grouting

Get the Most for Your Money

Measure your floor carefully and purchase 10-20 percent extra to allow for breakage, if you are the one who’s buying the tiles. Keep a few tiles on hand to make sure you’ll have a match in future when you may need to make repairs.

If you’ve been thinking of upgrading or supplementing your heating system, now is the ideal opportunity to add radiant underfloor heating.

Save money by removing the old floor material yourself. Alternatively, if it is still in sound condition, ask your tile contractor if it’s possible to have the tiles laid on top.

Think again if you are considering tiling the floor as a DIY project. Cutting and laying tile is not a simple task, especially because the floor surface is often uneven. Professional tile contractors have the know-how to produce a floor that is not only good-looking but also waterproof and slip-resistant.

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